Creative Empowerer and Marketer
Driven by the power of co-creation and her calling to support individuals and teams in finding and feeling empowered by their own creative calling, Megan Lillick is a creative producer and somatic bodywork practitioner who helps people find their fun and flow.
As a recent addition to the handl.e pictures team, Megan brings the benefits of more than 15 years of experience in the creative industry as a creative director and strategic marketer who has both led and collaborated on teams across the globe. Having supported a variety of clients — including nonprofits, startups, scaleups and agencies — she has a proven track record of strategically bringing projects, services, programs and events to diverse, international markets with a bang.

Inspired by the lessons of her sport-filled youth and the sense of fun that many of us seem to be missing in adulthood, Megan started her own global collective called funesse in 2021. With a focus on co-creating with fellow freelancers on creative marketing solutions, Megan knows that it’s way more fun creating something together — which is why she’s our resident marketer, supporting the awareness and growth of handl.e pictures.